Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Display Board Tutorial


Although I don't have kids {and don't plan to anytime soon} I do have an eight year old niece {Hailey} who LOVES to draw pictures. My parent's fridge is overflowing with all of her art work and she just keeps making more! This is what prompted me to make a display board "Hailey's Drawings". Now my parents can display her work in the hallway as more of a "gallery" instead of it just looking like throw-up all over their fridge.

This idea can also be used for bills, recipes, etc.

First, I gathered my supplies 
 Ribbon, Black Paint and Clips from Walmart

Stencils and 36 inch board from Hobby Lobby

Gorilla Glue and White Fabric Paint Pen.

Once I had all my supplies I painted the board completely black (4 coats)

After the paint dried I stenciled the letters "Hailey's Drawings" onto the board
(this took me a few times to get it how I wanted it)

After stenciling I filled in the letters with the white paint pen. I found this was MUCH easier than the paintbrush and white paint I first tried to use! 

I repeated this step about 4 times until the white was vibrant against the black

I added some clips (to hold the artwork) to the board with Gorilla Glue. I used a little too much which you can see where it is kind of overflowing...

So I decided to add some ribbon bows to the clips to cover the leaked glue

I also added hinges to the back of the board to allow for hanging. So in a little less than 3 hours (including the time it took the paint to dry) we now have a new and fun way to display Hailey's Masterpieces!

Estimated Total Costs: 

Pain Pen.....$2.00
Glue...........FREE (had on hand) 
Stencils......$4.00 (but will use again)
TOTAL:    $13.50

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